Susan Nishizawa

My yoga, meditation, and reiki journey started after the birth of my first child. I had postpartum depression and was desperate for relief. My husband, of now almost twenty-three years, recommended the yoga studio down the block.  I had just started getting interested in Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings and so was open to trying yoga. Spirit was always at work supporting me because the yoga studio was only a ten minute walk from our apartment.  I had experienced seeing Paramahansa Yogananda, who opened my heart and filled me with bliss, while taking a yoga class and felt a confirmation that this was my path. I started practicing 2 to 3 times a week. I felt so much more balanced and lighter and my husband noticed that I was much nicer when I came back from a yoga class! This began my journey as a yoga teacher. I took the 200 hour yoga training there and started teaching yoga in 2003. 

Becoming aware of the energy while practicing, I began reading about reiki and Kundalini Yoga. My aunt and I took a reiki 1 & 2 training with Jessica Miller, who had trained under William Rand. To further my studies of reiki, I then did another Reiki Tummo Training level 1 to 3a in 2003. I noticed that it stirred up quite a bit of energy in the clients that I worked on, and was wondering why it brought up so much stuff. I then decided to take a Kundalini Yoga Training at the Awareness Center and received my certification in 2008. This was a transformational experience for me. It cleared so much of the heavy energy I was carrying, but left me feeling ungrounded and unable to help process my traumas. 

After the death of my mother, I started working with Dr. Raven Lee to help process all the things I had been running from my whole life. I took her 3 year Mystic Shaman Training which really helped me work through and ground back into my body. The Integrated Shakti Reiki Master Training she was offering also felt right. I finally understood that I was always working with Shakti energy, but didn’t realize it! I became a Level 1 Integrated Shakti Reiki Master in 2013 and Level 2 in 2016.  

To appreciate being back in my body, I took the Yin Yoga 1 & 2 Trainings at Spiral Path in 2016 and 2017 and Restorative Yoga Training in 2018 with Cindy Li to start working with mindfulness and the nervous system. 

After my Shaman Training ended, I decided to hone in on my yoga skills, and took a 300 hour Advanced Yoga Training at Yoga Madre. I received my certification in 2019.  

During my Shaman Training, I was offered a job teaching recovering addicts and/or those suffering from mental illness. I know that without my own personal work, I could never have been able to teach this population. To support them I took a trauma training, Warrior at Ease Yoga Training, in 2020, and a Mental Health Aware Yoga Training in 2022. This then led me to the iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Level 1 & 2 Training by Richard Miller that I  completed in 2020 and 2022. After these last trainings, I felt like I had a road map to working through the challenges of living in this world. I learned how to hold space for sensation, emotions, thoughts, and become aware of Awareness and Being.  This has been invaluable to me in my own healing. I have always been looking for different modalities of healing, whether it be yoga, meditation, or reiki, to find a way to process my own suffering. Finding a connection to Spirit, which is inherently wisdom and compassion, and sitting with what is arising is what I realize is what true healing is. In gratitude that I can share what has helped me, my hope is that it will help you on your journey towards conscious awareness of your own wholeness. 

My Skill's

Yoga 95%
Meditation 92%
Spirituality 90%
We all have the ability to consciously experience ‘God’ within us. Reconnecting to our Spirit provides us the support, love, self-acceptance and wisdom to navigate the ‘human existence’ with ease and grace. We begin to experience Spirit by reconnecting to our body, mind and emotional fields through yoga, meditation and Integrated Shakti Reiki.
20+ years of Hatha Yoga
14+ years of Kundalini
20+ years of Reiki
9+ years of Integrative Shakti Reiki Master
Area of Specialization

Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Reiki Master, iRest Meditation Teacher, Aromatherapy


May 2022: iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Level 2 Training

April 2022: Mental Health Aware Yoga Professional Development Training

December 2020: Floracopeia Aromatherapy Foundations Certificate Course

November 2020: Jin Shin Jyutsu Basic 1 & 2 Online Seminar

August 2020: iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Level 1 Training

June 2020: Warrior at Ease Yoga and Trauma Training

April 2019: 300-Hour Advanced Yoga Training with Rene Quenell at Yoga Madre

February 2019: Integrated Shakti Reiki Master Teacher Training 1 with Dr. B. Raven Lee

August 2018: Restorative Teacher Training online with Cyndi Lee at Om Yoga Center

November 2017: Yoga Anatomy Training with Tiffany Cruikshank at Yoga Medicine

October 2014 – May 2017: 3-Year Mystic Shaman Training with Dr. B. Raven Lee

May 2017: Level 2 Yin Yoga Training with Addie deHilster at Spiral Path Yoga Center

June 2016: Integrative Shakti Reiki Master Training 2 with Dr. B. Raven Lee

June 2016: Level 1 Yin Yoga Training with Addie deHilster at Spiral Path Yoga Center

October 2013: Integrative Shakti Reiki Master Training 1 with Dr. B. Raven Lee

October 2007 – July 2008: Level 1 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Training at The Awareness Center

August 2006: Ganesh, Gayatri, Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Initiation from the Vedic Healing Institute

November 2003: Level 3a Reiki Tummo with Padmacahaya International Institute for Inner Study

March 2003: Level 1&2 Reiki Tummo with Padmacahaya International Institute for Inner Study

June 2002: 200-Hour Hatha Yoga Training at The Yoga Kingdom Sanctuary

April 2002: Level 1 & 2 Reiki Attunements with Jessica Miller

The International Center for Reiki Training since 2017
Yoga Alliance since 2008


“Everything you want out there is already within you,” Susan often tells her students. “Belonging, love, peace, joy, passion, and self-acceptance are there so stop grasping what is only temporary. It is like when my son was seven years old and always wanted the next new toy. He would get the toy, play with it for twenty minutes, get bored, and then want another new toy. He never realized that his joy was only temporary and that the habit of always wanting something else to fill that void was powerful. How many of us think that if we have more money to get a better home, or car, or find a spouse, that we will be happy? It’s like my son’s new toys, it only brings temporary happiness and we can again grasp for the next thing to fill the void.”
“It is not until the moment we connect to our Spirit and appreciate the vastness of who we are, that we realize that happiness is our essence.” she says. “There is no need to grasp. As a teacher and healer my job is to be a guide. I’m here to help you transcend the limited view of the Ego, rediscover your Spirit, and empower you by helping you connect to your Wiser Self.”

