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8 Week iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Introductory Series

iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation 8 Class Series​

Are you happy with your life? Wondering why you keep reacting the same way to situations and quickly regret what you say or do? Are you ready to become the “One you’ve been waiting for?” No one is going to save you, but you. It is a choice each one of us has to make to learn new tools and actually practice them to integrate challenging emotions and beliefs. And it takes courage to face your own fears. But as you practice iRest, you get to reconnect to yourself (the unchanging calm, wholeness, loving, and peaceful part of you) and learn tools to help experience these “negative” emotions and beliefs without reacting in ways you will regret. You will discover, with doing this practice consistently, that what you have been looking for “out there” (acceptance, unconditional support, peace, and love) already lives within you.

I’ve been on this road of healing for the last twenty years. Initially thinking all I needed to do was be with all the things I had been stuffing away for the last 32 years. That only led to more trauma. Then I tried to re-stuff it back in and just try to avoid it all together again. No matter how much I tried to go over and under challenging emotions and beliefs, it was always there making me regret things I said or did.

It took me 45 years to stop running and begin to face my uncomfortable emotions and beliefs. I found a wonderful trauma therapist to help me digest these experiences but found it challenging to hold space for myself. The iRest Yoga Nidra meditation with Richard Miller was so helpful for me to learn the steps to help digest past childhood emotions like shame, anger, and frustration but also to deal with them in everyday life. And, to discover my inherent peace and joy within myself.

It takes curiosity, openness, and strength to try a different way of dealing with “negative” emotions and beliefs besides ignoring, attaching, or identifying with them. This iRest Yoga Nidra practice can help you learn how to respond to challenging situations with discernment and not react from your primitive brain, the amygdala.

By practicing consistently over time, you will discover that you are not these emotions and beliefs and the suffering will fall away. You will discover an inner wholeness and stability that you never realized you had. Are you ready to travel the road less traveled into Joy, Peace, and Love?

I’m teaching an 8 week introductory iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation series to help you learn the ten steps to becoming resilient to the challenges of life. Also to become aware of that unchanging presence that has always been with you.

The class will start on Sunday, June 19th from 8:30-10:30am and be for the next seven Sundays. It will be a hybrid class of either in-person or zoom. If you miss a class, a recording will be provided.

Each class will be $30 and is due on the day of each class. You can either Venmo your payment to @Susan-Nishizawa, Zelle, or use PayPal. If you pay for the series up front, you will save 10% or $24. Your total would be $216.

*If you are planning on taking the Integrated Shakti Reiki 1 & 2 training, this iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation series is required. For those coming to the retreat on Labor Day, I strongly encourage you come because we will be practicing iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation throughout the retreat.

19 June
Sunday @ 8:30 am - 10:30 am


Susan Nishizawa


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